Wednesday, October 31, 2007

a few seconds of pure talent...

les publicistes sont vraiment des gens incroyables...quel talent! ...quelques secondes de pur génie parfois...connaissez-vous cette pub pour la vodka Smirnoff?non ? alors asseyez-vous, bien calé dans votre fauteuil, écoutez et regardez...
Musique maestro !!!
allez, vous reprendrez bien un verre, histoire de vous remettre...
What do you think ? isn't that ad incredible ? take just a second to imagine it was real ...
now, sure you need a let's relax...let's enjoy good music, jazzy kind, you still have a vodka to drink...and look...what's that , this little coloured spot...look...

Did you enjoy the break? la balade vous a plu ? see you next time ...à la prochaine...

1 comment:

RUTH said...

I saw the Smirnoff one on our TV the other day. Very clever. Love the rabbit advert....I wasn't sure what it was going to advertise.
Stay well